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Version: v3

HTTP Executor

HTTP executor can send a request to an HTTP endpoint



method:     Request method in uppercase
url:        Request url
headers:    Json string, such as "[\"Content-Type: application/json\"]"
body:       POST body
timeout:    Request timeout, unit seconds
expectCode: Expect response code, such as 200,206
expectBody: Expect response body, support regexp, such as /success/
debug:      Debug option, will log everything when this option is not empty
tlsNoVerifyPeer:       false (default) or true. If true, disables verification of the remote SSL certificate's validity.
tlsCertificateFile:    Path to the PEM file containing the client certificate. Optional.
tlsCertificateKeyFile: Path to the PEM file containing the client certificate private key. Optional.
tlsRootCAsFile:        Path to the PEM file containing certificates to use as root CAs. Optional.


  "executor": "http",
  "executor_config": {
      "method": "GET",
      "url": "",
      "headers": "[]",
      "body": "",
      "timeout": "30",
      "expectCode": "200",
      "expectBody": "",
      "debug": "true"