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Version: v3

Upgrade methods

Use one of the following methods (depending on the changes) to upgrade a cluster to a newer version.

Rolling upgrade

Use the following procedure to rotate all cluster nodes, one server at a time:

  1. Add a new server to the cluster with a configuration that joins them to the existing cluster.
  2. Stop dkron service on one of the old servers, if it was the leader allow a new leader to be elected. Note that it is better to remove the current leader at the end, to ensure a leader is elected from the new nodes.
  3. Use dkron raft list-peers to list current cluster nodes.
  4. Use dkron raft remove-peer to forcefully remove the old server.
  5. Repeat steps above until all old cluster nodes have been upgraded.

Backup & Restore

Use the /restore API endpoint to restore a previously exported jobs file

curl localhost:8080/v1/jobs > backup.json
curl localhost:8080/v1/restore --form '[email protected]'

This will restore all jobs and counters as they were in the export file.